Windows 10 comes with a number of tools and in-built features that many users may be unaware of. These features can help them become much better and quicker at multitasking. If you frequently use multiple windows and application, then you should learn about the best multi-window multitasking hacks for Windows 10.
The Aero Shake is a nifty little tool that allows the users to take hold of a window by its title bar and shake it for minimizing the rest of the open windows. The desktop may get much cluttered when too many apps are open. With Aero Shake, you can conveniently minimize all the other windows save for the selected one by merely shaking the title bar. To get all the windows back, just repeat the shaking action.
Multi-taskers swear by split screen. You can split the Windows 10 screen into halves or even quarters. In the older Windows versions, users could only snap two windows at a time. However, now the users can snap four windows at a time. Simply drag the window to any one corner of the screen. Now, just keep pushing the window’s edge against the display’s edge. Repeat the action for other windows. Alternatively, just use the Win + Arrow keys.
Windows 10 comes with a number of wonderful keyboard shortcuts for easy management and navigation between open screens. To see the thumbnails of all the open windows, just use the Win + Tab keyboard shortcut. You can easily switch between open apps and other screens by just using the Alt + Tab keyboard shortcut. Moreover, you can set custom keyboard shortcuts to launch specific programs.
Do you like watching movies, cat videos, or tutorials while working on your Windows 10 PC? Well, fortunately the Windows 10 Movies & TV application has a feature called Mini View which lets you watch the video a neat mini mode. This mode allows you to see the video in a smaller screen. This video window gets pinned to the top of the rest of the open windows. You can easily play or pause the video, fast forward or rewind it.
Jack Tucker is a security expert and he writes about Cyber security, cryptography, malware, social engineering, internet and is working at