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Solutions for Common Apple TV Issues

Apple TV is a marvelous piece of hardware, and its several applications can revolutionize how you watch television. Users love their Apple TVs, but, at times things go wrong, and you may encounter some problems with your Apple TV. We did some research and compiled a list of some common Apple TV issues and how to fix them.

Solutions for Common Apple TV Issues

1- Boot with Reboot

A majority of times, restarting devices solves the issues. The same is the case with Apple TV. Here is how you can restart Apple TV:

  • You can restart your Apple TV by pressing and holding the Menu as well as Home buttons on the Siri remote control simultaneously till the Apple TV box’s status light begins to twinkle.
  • Go to Settings in Apple TV. Select System and click on the Restart now.
  • Just detach the power source for 10-20 seconds and then re-attach it.

Wait for your Apple TV to restart. After that, check whether the software is up-to-date. Head over to Settings and select System. Go to Software Updates and click on Update Software.

2- Slow Wi-Fi Issue

You can confront several Wi-Fi related issues with your Apple TV. Apple TV might not be connecting to Wi-Fi, or it might keep dropping the Wi-Fi connection.

If your Wi-Fi is very slow, then you need to go to your Apple TV’s settings and select Network from the options. Now, see if any IP address is mentioned. When you can see an IP address, but the WiFi signal is poor, then you should shift the wireless access point nearer to your Apple TV. See if there is any wireless interference such as microwaves, wireless speakers, satellite dishes, etc. Check the settings of the Wi-Fi router and install its updates.

3- Loss of Audio

If you cannot hear any sound while playing a movie on your Apple TV, then you should do the following:

  • Restart all the devices and check that the HDMI cable is connected at either side.
  • You need to check the Apple TV volume control and see if the volume is not too low or at mute.
  • Head to Apple TV settings and select Audio and Video. After that, go to Surround Sound and pick Best Quality Available.

4- Apple TV Storage Error

If you mirror a lot of content to your Apple TV, or if you have downloaded a number of apps, or have not removed caches, then you may run out of space. To clear out space, delete the applications you do not need any longer. For that, go to Settings and select General. Click on Manage Storage and locate the applications you do not need. Delete those applications.

5- AirPlay Issue

You can mirror content from your iOS or MacOS devices to the Apple TV using AirPlay. It streams content on TV via wi-fi or Bluetooth.

If you cannot mirror content via AirPlay, then you need to check whether the Apple TV and iOS or MacOS device are connected to the same Wireless network. Open Settings in Apple TV and see the Wi-Fi network. Also, make sure that AirPlay is enabled.

Jack Tucker is a security expert and he writes about Cyber security, cryptography, malware, social engineering, internet and is working at norton.com/setup

Source URL : http://nortonkeyactivation.com/solutions-for-common-apple-tv-issues/