How frequently does it happen – you have a brand new iPhone, have clicked some stunning photos at your colleague’s wedding, and are eagerly waiting to show them to your co-workers- only to find that everybody, including the bride and the groom, looks a part of the Twilight cast with their red eyes? Do not fret – red eye in pictures is an extremely common issue that everybody who uses a phone or camera with a flash to take pictures faces. This common issue can be fixed easily. Here is how you can remove red-eye in photos in an iPhone.

Remove Red-Eye Effect Using the Photos App
- Unlock your iPhone.
- Slide through the apps and locate Photos.
- Tap on the Photos app to launch it. Its icon is rainbow hue with a white background.
- Now, at the bottom of the app, on the right side, tap on the Albums icon.
- If the iCloud Photos Library is enabled, then tap on All Photos from the list of options in the Albums menu.
- If the iCloud Photos Library is not enabled, then tap on Camera Roll option in the Albums screen.
- Scroll up to locate the picture.
- Just tap on the picture you want to edit.
- When the image opens, tap on the Edit button located at the bottom right corner of the iPhone’s screen.
- Now, select the Red Eye Correction option located at the top left side of the screen. The icon is shaped like an eye.
- If the image was snapped without using flash, then the red eye will not appear.
- Now, just select the area where you want correct the red-eye. Tap on all the red eyes.
- If you are not satisfied with the results, then simply tap on the eye once more, and the changes will get removed.
- Tap on the Red Eye correction option at the upper left corner of the screen.
- Now, the main Photo Edit screen will open.
- Tap on the yellow Done button located on the bottom left side of the screen. Doing so will save all the changes made.
- If in future, you want to restore the original picture, then directly go to Edit. Tap on the Revert option located in the bottom left side.
How to Avoid Red-Eye Affect in Photos?
- Red-eye effect occurs when the flash of the camera in low or dim lightning reflects from them, and the pupils look red in the resulting image. If you are taking a picture in dark or low lightning, then turn off the flash.
Here is how you can turn off the flash in the camera:
- Open the Camera application.
- Tap on the Flash option located at the extreme top left side of the screen. It is represented by a bolt sign.
- If you select Auto Flash, then the flash will automatically be enabled when the lightning is either low or non-existent.
- Select the Off option if you do not want to use flash while taking pictures and videos.
- To avoid red eye, you can ask the image’s subject to shift their gaze. Instead of looking directly at the lens, they can look sideward.
Jack Tucker is a security expert and he writes about Cyber security, cryptography, malware, social engineering, internet and is working at
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